Tuesday, December 27, 2011


<p>1st Christmas in the park complete. Nothing at all like I expected. I'm asked how the holiday was "in the park". I don't know. Nobody does. T-Parkers don't stick around on Christmas. At about 8 am it looked like downtown rush hour, except that most cars weren't licensed and were filled to an average of 2 children past seatbelt capacity. Everyone was bound for a family member or friends house. Not for the company either, for the HOUSE. I talked to a few neighbors yesterday and all of the Christmas Day recounting followed the same general theme. Glorious stories of towering homes made of brick and mortar, vertigo inducing staircases that went to other floors, mailboxes on posts planted in yards like trees and fireplaces that weren't on DVD.&nbsp; The smells were a particular favorite as well. The aromas of Christmas for a T-Parker do not stop at fresh food and tree pine, but extend to the subtle scents from hardwood or real tile floors, sheetrock and the foreign damp muskiness that can only come up from an actual basement. Yes, Christmas IN the T-Park I think is a lonely time, one that I hope never to know. Our saviors birthday can be added to the list of best times to burgal a trailer park, along with any local stock car race day or clearance sale day at Dollar General.

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