Saturday, December 31, 2011

Trailer Tipping?

I’ve returned safely to TKT.  On my way back I was pointed out to be “that fish eater that broke Helen” or "Tater Hater!" and I was actually hissed at by toddlers!   I was also barraged with threats of log chains and 4x4’s that could easily tip my trailer.  There were energetic recountings of some poor woman’s ceramic owl collection that was spilled into the streets “the LAST time there was a good tippin’ round here”.  “Better pack up them owls fish eater!”, I heard as I hastened my retreat back here.  While I have absolutely no doubt that it could and possibly will be tipped over tonight, I am still feeling a certain security being back on my turf.  I went ahead and popped the cork on a bottle of Mousseux that was intended to toast to the New Year, using it instead for the nerve-calming liquid courage that it contained.  I’ve poured it all into a pitcher so that I can have the bottle handy to use as a club should a last ditch effort to protect myself be necessary.  I poured it far too quickly in my haste to arm myself and it fizzed out completely to a flatness basically rendering it to the quality of a screw-top gas station Pinot Noir.  I’m gulping it down anyway and thankful to have it as I prepare myself to keep the floor of my home beneath me at whatever cost necessary.

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