Saturday, December 17, 2011

Conversations and Social Events (revised from November 12 2011)

Well, I met a few neighbors here in the T-Park.  They seem nice enough.  It will take a little effort adjusting to trailer park conversing.  I'm learning that regardless of the initial subject, most conversations eventually make their way around to 1 of 3 recurring themes: "The G-damned government", the inconvenience of leash laws and alien abduction stories.  I foolishly brought up tornadoes right out of the gate and was quickly shut down by terrified and angry looks.  I've had to brush up on the other 3 subjects and I've made up a dog that stays in the house BECAUSE of the leash laws and my fears of his ending up on a flying saucer.  While it's all a farce, I think it's really helping me gain some significant respect points.

I've learned that there is no such thing as "respect" in a trailer court, it is referred to as T-cred. Also, when Tparkins refer to leash laws they could actually be referring to how far away from the trailer they can get before the ol lady screams at the top of her to get the f back on the porch and get f away from that f-ing bitch. This applies to man and dog alike. Thanks for the advice Larry!

Yes Cade, there ARE dues (lot fees) in the T-Park and they are NOT used for care of the fountains and green spaces and do not include the use of any on-premises tennis courts.   You are invited over any time and at your own risk.

I was invited to a tire fire my first weekend here.  It was disastrous.  I brought an old tire that I found beside the road.  It turns out that I was expected to bring one of the tires from my trailer.  This would have indicated my willingness to stay and be a committed member of the community.  I also brought Pabst Blue Ribbon.  Liquid America, right?  As true as that might be I was seen as putting on airs and showing off the fact that I am not on any government assistance.  My unwillingness to share in a communal bottle of Mad Dog or join in the burning diaper fight further added to my isolation.  I sneaked off back to my own trailer when the crowd was distracted by one of the many spousal beatings that took place that evening.

Life here is complicated and will take some adjustment.

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