Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Possum Incident (revised from November 19 2011)

Not even here a month yet and I've had my first dead opossum removed from beneath the trailer.  I should emphasize "first" because it has been pointed out that it will NOT be my last.  The whole experience has had it's pros and cons.  On the plus side, it did earn me some more fairly early T-cred.  It's another right of passage I guess.  I was eyed suspiciously while reporting it.  They stopped just short of accusing me of planting the rodent in order to earn the accompanying respect.  I assured them that it was not my doing and then I think I convinced them that there's no way I could have planted it when I started screaming "EEEWWWWWW!!!" and "ICKY!! ICKY!!" upon first seeing the carcass.  Another plus is obviously the common ground that I now have and can use during conversations.  I don't even have to lie now!!  On that note, I'm pretty sure my neighbors figured out that I don't have a UFO fearing, leash hating dog like I told them.  In my opossum panic excitedness, I let it slip that I had been out of town all week without arranging for dog-care.  It was also pointed out that my dog should have alerted me to the vermin's presence long before the bloating and bursting stages that it was eventually discovered in.  The final negative aspect, my dear friends, is the smell.  It was impressive.  There were zones of the trailer that would actually bring me to the verge of regurgitation.  I have to assume that this particular opossum was forced to take up residence beneath me after being expelled from his own community due to BO and poor overall hygiene.  May he rest in wretched, putrid horrifyingly smelly peace.

I didn't even need to pay an exterminator or any other professional.   I just paid a T-Park urchin $5 to scamper under there for it. He brought it out and told me to keep the $5 if he could keep the carcass. It worked out well for everyone.

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